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Medical expenses during the 2020/2021 tax year

Did you have medical expenses during the 2020/2021 tax year that wasn’t covered by your medical aid scheme? Here’s some important information and notes around medical expenses to keep in mind before finalising your tax return.

If your medical aid scheme did not cover certain medical expenses you may well be entitled to a deduction: Provided, those expenses are deemed as “qualifying medical expenses” and also, taxpayers should claim all medical expenses: – even if the medical aid scheme does not cover the expense; – remember that the medical aid scheme provides a certificate of contributions each year for tax purposes, which includes a schedule of all expenses not covered/reimbursed, so it’s good practice to at least have these non-refunded expenses logged; – the taxpayer will then have a comprehensive record of these expenses for submission to SARS; – it’s quite possible that some expenses that the taxpayer did not expect to be allowed by SARS, are in fact allowed which could result in a welcomed tax refund.